I've spent most of my life searching for something I was naturally good at. Growing up an awkward, freckle faced, buck toothed, four eyed, lanky, long-legged girl, I often felt like an outsider. I was teased and bullied for most of my childhood. I envied those around me that were born artists, singers, athletes, and fashionistas.
How unfortunate that I spent hundreds of dollars pursuing endless hobbies and interests only to discover at 35 years old that no amount of money was ever going to help me find my inner most talent and passion—my kids. I was born to be a mom. When I started this blog, my oldest son Soren was turning 3 and my youngest Mikael was just six months.
I never thought I'd be "that mom". Posting all the photos, logging poop, researching an infinite number of baby products, chatting it up in mommy forums... but the truth is, I am and I love it. I particularly love to share what I've learned with others.
Tech marketing maven by day and baby burper by night. This season is all about survival. I'll share everything that might make this season a little easier for all of us. Hope to share this journey alongside you and your Mama friends.